1. fastR2::ACTgpa
    ACT scores and GPA
  2. fastR2::AirPollution
    Air pollution measurements
  3. fastR2::AirlineArrival
    Airline On-Time Arrival Data
  4. fastR2::BallDrop
    Ball dropping data
  5. fastR2::Batting
    Major League Batting 2000-2005
  6. fastR2::Buckthorn
  7. fastR2::Bugs
  8. fastR2::Concrete
    Concrete Compressive Strength Data
  9. fastR2::ConcreteAll
    #' Concrete Compressive Strength Data
  10. fastR2::CoolingWater1
    Cooling Water
  11. fastR2::CoolingWater2
    Cooling Water
  12. fastR2::CoolingWater3
    Cooling Water
  13. fastR2::CoolingWater4
    Cooling Water
  14. fastR2::Corn
    Corn Yield
  15. fastR2::Cuckoo
    Cuckoo eggs in other birds' nests
  16. fastR2::DeathPenalty
    Death Penalty and Race
  17. fastR2::Drag
    Drag force experiment
  18. fastR2::Endurance
    Endurance and vitamin C
  19. fastR2::FUSION1
    FUSION type 2 diabetes study
  20. fastR2::FUSION2
    FUSION type 2 diabetes study
  21. fastR2::FamilySmoking
    Family smoking
  22. fastR2::Fumbles
    NCAA football fumbles
  23. fastR2::GPA
    GPA, ACT, and SAT scores
  24. fastR2::HeliumFootballs
    Punting helium- and air-filled footballs
  25. fastR2::Ice
    Cooling muscles with ice
  26. fastR2::Inflation
    Inflation data
  27. fastR2::Jordan8687
    Michael Jordan personal scoring
  28. fastR2::Kids
    Goals and popularity factors for school kids
  29. fastR2::LittleSurvey
    Results from a little survey
  30. fastR2::MIAA05
    MIAA basketball 2004-2005 season
  31. fastR2::MLB2004
    Major League Baseball 2004 team data
  32. fastR2::MathNoise
    Test performance and noise
  33. fastR2::NCAAbb
    NCAA Division I Basketball Results
  34. fastR2::NFL2007
    NFL 2007 season
  35. fastR2::Noise
  36. fastR2::Pallets
    Pallet repair data
  37. fastR2::PaperPlanes
    Paper airplanes
  38. fastR2::Pendulum
    Pendulum data
  39. fastR2::PetStress
    Pets and stress
  40. fastR2::Pheno
    FUSION type 2 diabetes study
  41. fastR2::Pigs
    Pass the Pigs
  42. fastR2::Pitching2005
    Major League Baseball 2005 pitching
  43. fastR2::Poison
    Poison data
  44. fastR2::Punting
    American football punting
  45. fastR2::RatPoison
    Rat poison - unfinished documentation
  46. fastR2::RubberBand
    Rubber band launching - unfinished documentation
  47. fastR2::Scent
    Maze tracing and scents
  48. fastR2::Soap
    Dwindling soap
  49. fastR2::Spheres
    Measuring spheres
  50. fastR2::Step
    Stepping experiment
  51. fastR2::Stereogram
    Stereogram fusion
  52. fastR2::Students
    Standardized test scores and GPAs
  53. fastR2::TasteTest
    Taste test data
  54. fastR2::TireWear
    Estimating tire wear
  55. fastR2::Traffic
    New England traffic fatalities (1951-1959)
  56. fastR2::Trebuchet
    Trebuchet data
  57. fastR2::Trebuchet1
    Trebuchet data
  58. fastR2::Trebuchet2
    Trebuchet data
  59. fastR2::Unemployment
    Unemployment data
  60. fastR2::WorkingWomen
    Women in the workforce
  61. fastR2::golfballs
    Golf ball numbers
  62. fastR2::rgolfballs
    Simulated golf ball data
  63. ggformula::MIpop
    Population of Michigan counties
  64. mosaic::Mustangs
    Mustang Prices
  65. mosaic::Sleep
    Sleep and Memory
  66. mosaicData::Alcohol
    Alcohol Consumption per Capita
  67. mosaicData::Birthdays
    US Births in 1969 - 1988
  68. mosaicData::Births
    US Births
  69. mosaicData::Births2015
    US Births
  70. mosaicData::Births78
    US Births
  71. mosaicData::BirthsCDC
    US Births
  72. mosaicData::BirthsSSA
    US Births
  73. mosaicData::CPS85
    Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85)
  74. mosaicData::Cards
    Standard Deck of Cards
  75. mosaicData::CoolingWater
  76. mosaicData::Countries
  77. mosaicData::Dimes
    Weight of dimes
  78. mosaicData::Galton
    Galton's dataset of parent and child heights
  79. mosaicData::Gestation
    Data from the Child Health and Development Studies
  80. mosaicData::GoosePermits
    Goose Permit Study
  81. mosaicData::HELPfull
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  82. mosaicData::HELPmiss
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  83. mosaicData::HELPrct
    Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
  84. mosaicData::HeatX
    Data from a heat exchanger laboratory
  85. mosaicData::KidsFeet
    Foot measurements in children
  86. mosaicData::Marriage
    Marriage records
  87. mosaicData::Mites
    Mites and Wilt Disease
  88. mosaicData::RailTrail
    Volume of Users of a Rail Trail
  89. mosaicData::Riders
    Volume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail
  90. mosaicData::SAT
    State by State SAT data
  91. mosaicData::SaratogaHouses
    Houses in Saratoga County (2006)
  92. mosaicData::SnowGR
    Snowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI
  93. mosaicData::SwimRecords
    100 m Swimming World Records
  94. mosaicData::TenMileRace
    Cherry Blossom Race
  95. mosaicData::Utilities
    Utility bills
  96. mosaicData::Utilities2
    Utility bills
  97. mosaicData::Weather
  98. mosaicData::Whickham
    Data from the Whickham survey
    NHANES 2009-2012 with adjusted weighting
  100. NHANES::NHANESraw
    NHANES 2009-2012 with adjusted weighting