- fastR2::ACTgpaACT scores and GPA
- fastR2::AirPollutionAir pollution measurements
- fastR2::AirlineArrivalAirline On-Time Arrival Data
- fastR2::BallDropBall dropping data
- fastR2::BattingMajor League Batting 2000-2005
- fastR2::BuckthornBuckthorn
- fastR2::BugsBugs
- fastR2::ConcreteConcrete Compressive Strength Data
- fastR2::ConcreteAll#' Concrete Compressive Strength Data
- fastR2::CoolingWater1Cooling Water
- fastR2::CoolingWater2Cooling Water
- fastR2::CoolingWater3Cooling Water
- fastR2::CoolingWater4Cooling Water
- fastR2::CornCorn Yield
- fastR2::CuckooCuckoo eggs in other birds' nests
- fastR2::DeathPenaltyDeath Penalty and Race
- fastR2::DragDrag force experiment
- fastR2::EnduranceEndurance and vitamin C
- fastR2::FUSION1FUSION type 2 diabetes study
- fastR2::FUSION2FUSION type 2 diabetes study
- fastR2::FamilySmokingFamily smoking
- fastR2::FumblesNCAA football fumbles
- fastR2::GPAGPA, ACT, and SAT scores
- fastR2::HeliumFootballsPunting helium- and air-filled footballs
- fastR2::IceCooling muscles with ice
- fastR2::InflationInflation data
- fastR2::Jordan8687Michael Jordan personal scoring
- fastR2::KidsGoals and popularity factors for school kids
- fastR2::LittleSurveyResults from a little survey
- fastR2::MIAA05MIAA basketball 2004-2005 season
- fastR2::MLB2004Major League Baseball 2004 team data
- fastR2::MathNoiseTest performance and noise
- fastR2::NCAAbbNCAA Division I Basketball Results
- fastR2::NFL2007NFL 2007 season
- fastR2::NoiseNoise
- fastR2::PalletsPallet repair data
- fastR2::PaperPlanesPaper airplanes
- fastR2::PendulumPendulum data
- fastR2::PetStressPets and stress
- fastR2::PhenoFUSION type 2 diabetes study
- fastR2::PigsPass the Pigs
- fastR2::Pitching2005Major League Baseball 2005 pitching
- fastR2::PoisonPoison data
- fastR2::PuntingAmerican football punting
- fastR2::RatPoisonRat poison - unfinished documentation
- fastR2::RubberBandRubber band launching - unfinished documentation
- fastR2::ScentMaze tracing and scents
- fastR2::SoapDwindling soap
- fastR2::SpheresMeasuring spheres
- fastR2::StepStepping experiment
- fastR2::StereogramStereogram fusion
- fastR2::StudentsStandardized test scores and GPAs
- fastR2::TasteTestTaste test data
- fastR2::TireWearEstimating tire wear
- fastR2::TrafficNew England traffic fatalities (1951-1959)
- fastR2::TrebuchetTrebuchet data
- fastR2::Trebuchet1Trebuchet data
- fastR2::Trebuchet2Trebuchet data
- fastR2::UnemploymentUnemployment data
- fastR2::WorkingWomenWomen in the workforce
- fastR2::golfballsGolf ball numbers
- fastR2::rgolfballsSimulated golf ball data
- ggformula::MIpopPopulation of Michigan counties
- mosaic::MustangsMustang Prices
- mosaic::SleepSleep and Memory
- mosaicData::AlcoholAlcohol Consumption per Capita
- mosaicData::BirthdaysUS Births in 1969 - 1988
- mosaicData::BirthsUS Births
- mosaicData::Births2015US Births
- mosaicData::Births78US Births
- mosaicData::BirthsCDCUS Births
- mosaicData::BirthsSSAUS Births
- mosaicData::CPS85Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85)
- mosaicData::CardsStandard Deck of Cards
- mosaicData::CoolingWaterCoolingWater
- mosaicData::CountriesCountries
- mosaicData::DimesWeight of dimes
- mosaicData::GaltonGalton's dataset of parent and child heights
- mosaicData::GestationData from the Child Health and Development Studies
- mosaicData::GoosePermitsGoose Permit Study
- mosaicData::HELPfullHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
- mosaicData::HELPmissHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
- mosaicData::HELPrctHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
- mosaicData::HeatXData from a heat exchanger laboratory
- mosaicData::KidsFeetFoot measurements in children
- mosaicData::MarriageMarriage records
- mosaicData::MitesMites and Wilt Disease
- mosaicData::RailTrailVolume of Users of a Rail Trail
- mosaicData::RidersVolume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail
- mosaicData::SATState by State SAT data
- mosaicData::SaratogaHousesHouses in Saratoga County (2006)
- mosaicData::SnowGRSnowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI
- mosaicData::SwimRecords100 m Swimming World Records
- mosaicData::TenMileRaceCherry Blossom Race
- mosaicData::UtilitiesUtility bills
- mosaicData::Utilities2Utility bills
- mosaicData::WeatherWeather
- mosaicData::WhickhamData from the Whickham survey
- NHANES::NHANESNHANES 2009-2012 with adjusted weighting
- NHANES::NHANESrawNHANES 2009-2012 with adjusted weighting