Page | Location | Issue |
25 | printed:
tally(death ~ victim, data = DeathPenalty) correct: tally(death ~ defendant, data = DeathPenalty) |
Exercise 1.20 | geyser is in the MASS package
(see page 14). Use MASS::geyser to access this data
set. |
285 | last line | printed: −2nπ correct: −nπ |
286 | lines 9-10 | printed: correct when π0 = 0 but overestimates … when π0 > 0 correct: correct when π0 = 1/2 but overestimates … when π0 ≠ 1/2 |
331 | The problem could be clarified to indicate that the first moment is not useful. The second moment could be used. | |
373 | printed: $W = -2
\log\left(\frac{L(\theta_0)}{L(\hat\theta)} \right) = 2 \left(\log(\hat
\theta) - \log(\theta_0)\right) \approx I(\hat \theta) (\theta_0 -
\hat\theta)^2$ correct: $W = -2 \log\left( \frac{L(\theta_0)}{L(\hat\theta)} \right) = 2 \left(l(\hat \theta) - l(\theta_0)\right) \approx I(\hat \theta) (\theta_0 - \hat\theta)^2$ |
380 | lines 6, 11, 13 | printed: pnorm() , pchisq() ,
pchisq() correct: qnorm() ,
qchisq() , qchisq() . |
388 | printed: The assymptotic distribution of Λ correct: The assymptotic distribution of W = −2log (Λ) |
389 | printed: makLik correct: maxLik |
446 | Exercise 5.18 | printed: log of the odds ratio correct: log of the odds |
447 | line 1 | printed: poison correct: Poisson |
498 | line 5 | printed: internally studentized residuls correct: internally studentized residuals |
747 | Exercise A.11 | Unfortunately, the weatherData package has
been removed from CRAN. Similar data now live in
mosaicData::Weather , but the data for several cities are
already contained in a single data frame, so there is no need to merge
from multiple sources. |